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5 Ways to Build Self-Confidence - Blog With Sidra

  Self-confidence refers to confidence in one's own abilities, qualities, and judgment.  Self-confidence is important when it comes to y...

 Self-confidence refers to confidence in one's own abilities, qualities, and judgment. Self-confidence is important when it comes to your health and psychological well-being. Having a healthy level of self-confidence can help you succeed in your personal and business life.

Benefits of Self-Confidence

Having self-confidence has various benefits at home, at work or in your relationship. You can read below what positive effects self-confidence can have on your life.

When you believe in yourself, you are willing to try new things. Whether you're applying for a promotion or signing up for a cooking class, being confident is the most important way you show up.

  • better performance 

When you feel confident, you can dedicate your resources to the tasks at hand. Instead of wasting time and energy thinking you're not good enough, you can channel your energy into your pursuit. As a result, you perform better when you feel confident.

  • be more durable

Self-confidence, or believing in yourself, can increase resilience, or your ability to overcome any challenges or struggles you face in your life.

Having a healthy level of self-confidence can ensure that your relationships remain happy and healthy. One reason for this is that self-confident people tend to set stronger boundaries about their own needs and emotions. Being confident not only affects how you feel about yourself, but also helps you understand and love others better. Self-confidence also gives you the strength to walk away if you don't receive the treatment you deserve.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to increase your self-confidence. If you lack self-confidence in a certain area or have difficulty trusting yourself in some areas, you can benefit from the following strategies.

Stop Comparing Yourself With Others

Whether it's comparing how your friends view you on Facebook or comparing your friend's income to your own, making comparisons isn't healthy. A study conducted in 2018 found that there is a direct relationship between jealousy and feelings about oneself.

According to researchers, people who compare themselves with others experience jealousy. And the more jealousy they experience, the worse they begin to feel about themselves. This situation can become a vicious cycle.

Beware of times when you compare your wealth, possessions, talents, accomplishments, and qualities to others. Thinking that other people are better than you or have more can lower your self-confidence. When you feel drawn to comparison, remind yourself that doing so will not benefit you. Everyone lives life at their own pace and life is not a race.

You can use the following suggestions to avoid falling into the comparison trap.

  • Be nice to other people

When you're your best self, you're less likely to compare yourself to other people or focus on what you're lacking in. Especially helping people less fortunate than you will give you a good perspective on how lucky you are for the things you have in your life.

  • Think about the things you are grateful for

When you feel like you're jealous of other people's lives, remember your own strengths and accomplishments. To do this, you can try focusing on your own life rather than focusing on other people's lives by keeping a gratitude journal.

  • Know your enemies and stay away from them

Are there people in your life who constantly judge and compare you and bring competition (in a bad way) into your life? It may be good to limit your contact with these people as much as possible and stay away from them completely.

Once you've eliminated the negative people in your life, it's also important to create a social circle of people who are supportive and will bring out the best version of yourself, and to remind yourself of the good in you.

Take Care of Your Body

It's hard to feel good if you don't take good care of your body. On the other hand, when you take care of yourself and know that you are doing something positive for your mind, body, and soul, you naturally feel more confident. You can try the following self-care suggestions to achieve higher levels of self-confidence.

  • diet

Eating well has many benefits, including higher levels of self-confidence and self-esteem. When you nourish your body with the right foods, you feel healthier, stronger and more energetic. As a result, you start to feel better about yourself.

  • Exercise

According to research, regular physical activities increase self-confidence. Regular exercise improves body image. When body image improves, you may feel more self-confident.

  • Meditation

According to experts, meditation increases self-confidence in various ways. One of these is that meditation is beneficial for you to know and accept yourself. Meditation also teaches you to stop thinking badly about yourself and ensures that the mental chatter that affects your self-esteem does not affect your self-esteem.

Since good, quality sleep is linked to positive personality traits, including optimism and self-confidence, ignoring sleep can negatively impact your self-confidence.

Try Self-Compassion

Self-compassion involves being compassionate towards yourself when you make mistakes, fail, or experience defeat. When you speak harshly to yourself, you are not motivated to do better. In fact, doing this may have the opposite effects.

Self-compassion can also contribute to more stable self-esteem. “I'm so stupid. Thinking “Everyone makes mistakes sometimes” rather than “I messed up” is an example of having self-compassion and can help you feel good about yourself even when you don't perform as well as you hoped.

Instead of beating yourself up or cursing yourself, try talking to yourself as you would a trusted friend. Don't get down on yourself, laugh at yourself and remind yourself that no one is perfect


Harness the Power of Positive Self-Talk

Using self-talk in a positive way can help you be compassionate with yourself, embrace self-doubt, and take on new challenges. Negative self-talk, on the other hand, can limit your abilities and lower your self-confidence by convincing your subconscious that you “can't handle it” or that something is “too difficult” or “there's no point in even trying”.

Next time you start thinking that you have nothing to talk about in a meeting or that you're not fit enough to exercise, remind yourself that these thoughts aren't always true.

Below you can read some examples of how you can challenge pessimistic self-talk and reshape your thoughts into more positive ways of thinking.

  • Instead of telling yourself, “I can't do this” or “This is impossible,” say, “You can do this” or “All I have to do is try.”
  • When you make a mistake, instead of saying “I can't do anything right,” say “I can do better next time” or “At least I learned something.”
  • Instead of saying you “hate” public speaking, use something more subtle like “I don't like it” and remind yourself that “everyone has strengths and weaknesses.”
  • Embrace Your Self-Doubt

    People sometimes hold off on doing things like inviting someone to dinner or asking for a promotion until they start feeling more confident. But sometimes the best way to gain self-confidence is by “doing.” Try doing things your brain tells you you can't do.

    Face your fears caused by lack of self-confidence. Even if you're afraid you'll embarrass yourself or mess up, try it. Tell yourself this is just an experiment and see what happens.

    You may learn that being a little anxious or making a few mistakes isn't as bad as you think. And each time you move forward, you can gain more confidence. This will help prevent you from taking risks that will eventually lead to huge negative consequences.


    Having a little self-doubt can actually help you perform better. A study conducted on athletes in 2010 revealed that athletes who doubted themselves performed better than athletes who were 100 percent confident.

    Of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't prepare or practice. If you're going to give a big speech soon, practice it in front of friends or family so you can gain some confidence. But don't wait to be 100 percent confident before moving forward. You may never reach that point

  • In conclusion

  • Everyone deals with self-esteem issues from time to time. However, if the problems you experience with self-confidence interfere with your work, social life or education, you may consider getting help from a mental health professional.

    In some cases, low self-esteem stems from a larger problem, such as a traumatic event in the past. Sometimes it may occur as a symptom of a mental health problem.

    And there is such a thing as having too much self-confidence. If you are overly confident in your skills, you may not take action. Being overconfident about passing an exam can hinder your studying. Or, if you think you don't need to prepare for a presentation, you may be unprepared during the presentation. It's important to have a healthy dose of self-confidence to help you perform at your highest level.

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