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Science Explains the Most Useful Protein Powder for Muscle Development! -Blog With Sidra

  Other proteins began to shake Whey's throne, and we set out to find the answer to the question of what science says about this. The th...

 Other proteins began to shake Whey's throne, and we set out to find the answer to the question of what science says about this.

The throne of whey protein is shaking. Science tells us that using different types of proteins together is a more effective way to build muscle.

As research continues into new forms of protein, we decided to take a closer look at the different types of protein and debunk the myths that are being spread in the fitness community. We set out to research not only different types of proteins, but also how you can get more benefits from a combination of different proteins instead of sticking to whey protein.

Other proteins began to shake Whey's throne, and we set out to find the answer to the question of what science says about this.

The throne of whey protein is shaking. Science tells us that using different types of proteins together is a more effective way to build muscle.

As research continues into new forms of protein, we decided to take a closer look at the different types of protein and debunk the myths that are being spread in the fitness community. We set out to research not only different types of proteins, but also how you can get more benefits from a combination of different proteins instead of sticking to whey protein.

2. Casein

Casein protein is recommended for use before bedtime, as it is slowly digested by the body and promotes the renewal and growth of amino acids for five and seven hours.

3. I am Protein

Soy has a bad reputation for promoting estrogen release, according to inconclusive research. In fact, soy protein contains a wide range of amino acids and, unlike other proteins such as whey and casein, supports muscle growth by distributing them in a more appropriate range throughout the body.

Before choosing between Protein Powder types, “ Which is the Best Choice Among Protein Powder Types?” Be sure to check out our article!

Protein Shake or Whey?

Seven Times More Effective than Whey

New research on protein synthesis is constantly being published, and the latest study caught our attention. A study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology compared the anabolic response between pure whey protein and a mixture of whey, casein, and soy protein. According to the study, the blend showed an anabolic response seven times greater than pure whey protein. This is because the different digestion speeds of casein, soy and whey proteins at slow, medium and fast levels create a longer anabolic range.

Scientific Information: A mixture of fast, medium and slow release proteins keeps the anabolic process in the body longer compared to whey protein.

Which Vitamins or Minerals Should You Take for a Healthy Winter?

Bryan Haycook, author of Hypertophy-Specific Training, has over 23 years of experience in the fitness industry. Nutritional supplements, whether natural or in pill form, can have positive results on your immune system.

Question: Should I take extra vitamins or minerals to have a healthy winter ?

Answer: A balanced diet is important to strengthen your immune system. But when cold and flu season is around the corner, active women need a little extra support. This is exactly where vitamins and minerals come into play. Numerous solid studies show that nutritional supplements play an important role in both supporting your immune system and lowering your risk of infection. The main ones you should try are:

VITAMIN C: Its great reputation in fighting colds is well known, especially among active individuals. Vitamin C is known to stimulate your immune system by increasing interferon levels, which affects antiviral activity, and activates some immune cells.

In studies involving people who train intensively, it is stated that those who take 600 and 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C per day have a 50% decrease in the frequency of catching colds. Start with 600 milligrams per day and increase that amount to 1,000 milligrams when you exercise outside.

Where to find it: It is found in foods such as melon-zucchini, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi and mango. Citrus juices are a good option when fresh ones are not available.

VITAMIN E: Vitamin E, an important antioxidant, prevents free radicals, a molecule that can harm the body, from passing through cell membranes. The daily recommended amount for Vitamin E is 22.5 IU. However, if you want to activate your immune system, you need a little more. Most studies indicate that 200 IU or more (up to 800 IU) is needed to stimulate your immune system.

Where to Find It: Vitamin E-rich foods are nuts (such as almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts), seeds (such as sunflower seeds) and green leafy vegetables (such as spinach and broccoli).


This mineral is another option to strengthen your immune system. Studies have shown that zinc lozenges are effective in reducing the effects and duration of colds. However, research is not sure whether this effect of zinc is a direct support for the immune system or a direct attack on the virus. Some doctors recommend zinc tablets or capsules for repeated cases (25 mg daily for adults). However, taking too much zinc can have adverse effects. There is evidence to suggest that zinc intake above 300 mg per day causes weak immunity. You should definitely not use it randomly.

Where to Find It: High protein foods such as beef and lamb are good sources of zinc. Leg parts of chicken and turkey contain more zinc than other parts. Other foods containing zinc are almonds, peanuts, whole grains, legumes and yeast.

In addition to these supplements, a basic multivitamin supplement will be useful in strengthening your immune system. In addition, drinking plenty of water, getting enough sleep and washing your hands regularly will help you get through this period without contracting health problems that occur during the winter.

If You Want to Be Happier, There's Something Simple You Need to Do!

Everyone has someone around whom they feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, some people seem to come to life to annoy you due to their nature... Of course, you can prevent this. Moreover, we promise you, you will not be alone!

Due to today's busy living conditions, work hustle and bustle and trying to fit huge activities into short periods of time, we get tired without realizing it. While this is a very natural and normal process, people look for people around whom they feel peaceful and happy. However, there are people who somehow entered our lives and do not make us feel very happy with their presence.

Strangely enough, these people can even be our “very close friends” from time to time. Maybe someone we had a great time with when we first met can suddenly turn into someone who drains all our energy. You should realize that you need to do something for yourself about this person, who usually disappears from your family, friends or work environment...

Think of people who you think make better use of your time, who you enjoy when they are around you, and with whom you can find common ground. Time with these people is not only more enjoyable; It is also more efficient. While being satisfied with what you do is always one of the most important ways to be happy, you should also review this in your relationships.

You can ask yourself these questions: why does this person's presence make me unhappy/uncomfortable? Do you really need someone who wastes your time by making you feel uncomfortable? You also know that it is not. Therefore, if the answers to your questions are independent of you, it means it is time to take action on the issue. While doing this, you never need to be afraid of being alone...

Everyone has things they want to do and improve themselves in their lives. And believe me, there are people who will support you. You may be surrounded by people who annoy you right now, but as you focus on your own life, you will attract people around you who will support you and make you feel happier. Therefore, gradually get rid of people who suck your energy and spend more time for yourself. In addition, include more people in your life who make you feel good and with whom you spend time with pleasure. We are sure you will feel much better after a short time!

6 Effective Methods That Will Help You Burn Fat While Reading

Reduce the amount of fat in your body and increase your muscle percentage with these endurance exercises that we publish with IFBB bikini professional Ana Delia Iturrondo. Prepare yourself for this now because you will really burn a lot of fat with this program consisting of six body weight and light dumbbell exercises. It is possible to burn 500 calories by applying this program, which will reduce your body size.

Warm-up: High-tempo programs, an example of which is below, require a thorough warm-up. Before you start your workout, do a warm-up session of 2-3 sets of dynamic exercises such as leg swing and shoulder circle.

Recommendation: For maximum strength and safety, stretch your hips and shoulders before starting the exercise.


Target: Shoulders, chest and core.

  • Get into a push-up position on the exercise mat, place your palms slightly in front of your mat and do a push-up.
  • After doing the push-up, jump off the mat with your feet behind your hands.
  • Immediately afterwards, throw your hips back so that your feet are behind the mat and do another push-up. Do two sets of 20 reps.
  • Hold a 9-kg medicine ball at chin level, with eyes facing forward. Stand in front of a wall with your feet slightly wider than your hips. (You can also do the movement with your friend in front of you.) Do the squat movement until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Jump upwards from a squat position. Throw the ball you hold in your hands strongly towards the wall.
  • As soon as you catch the ball bouncing off the wall, do another squat. Perform two sets of 25 repetitions.
  • Recommendation: Make the movement harder! Throwing the ball hard will activate your fast-twitch muscle fibers.


    • Holding a dumbbell close to your body in your left hand, with your left leg in front, and holding a dumbbell at shoulder level in your other hand, perform a lunge until your front foot is parallel to the floor.
    • Jump, landing on the ground with your right foot forward. The dumbbell in your left hand should be at shoulder level, and the right dumbbell should be close to your body. Do two sets of 20 reps.

    Suggestion: When performing this movement, the wider you land on the ground with your feet, the better you will work your hips.

     4. CRAB KICK

    • Sit with your feet shoulder width apart. Your knees should form a 90-degree angle and your wrists should be at shoulder level. Lift your hips so that your weight is supported by your hands and feet.
    • Lift your right foot up until it is parallel with your left foot.
    • Quickly step your right foot back onto the floor and lift your left foot up. Do two sets of 30 for each foot.

    Suggestion: If you want to increase your strength and stay balanced, include your core in the movement.


    Target: Biceps and legs.

    • Stand upright next to a bench and place your right foot on the bench. Hold dumbbells in both hands with your palms facing you.
    • As you stand on the bench, simultaneously lift the dumbbells towards your shoulders. While on the bench, change your feet with a slight jump and lower it to the ground with your left foot remaining on the bench.
    • Jump slightly by doing a biceps curl with both hands and repeat the movement by changing your feet. Do 2 sets of 20 repetitions (10 repetitions for each leg).

    Recommendation: This workout, which includes dumbbells, literally works your whole body.


    • Stand in a push-up position with your feet 30 cm wide apart. Keep your back straight and pull your left knee towards your chest. Begin the movement with your core.
    • As you return to the starting position, this time pull your right knee towards your chest. With one foot fully lifted, quickly pull your knees towards your chest and lower them as if you were going to run.

    Tip: Using your abdominal muscles while pulling your knees to your chest will prevent excessive load on your hip flexor muscles.


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