What is Gratitude? Gratitude is the sincere feeling of gratitude we feel in response to a favor, gift, help or good situation. In addition...
What is Gratitude?
Gratitude is the sincere feeling of gratitude we feel in response to a favor, gift, help or good situation. In addition to increasing a person's inner peace and happiness, the feeling of gratitude also contributes to social well-being by improving interpersonal interactions.
Gratitude is a concept based on feeling pleased, which includes words such as "generosity", "grace" and "gift " . This concept, which has its origins in Latin, is formed by the combination of the words “gratia (goodness)” and “gratus (pleasing)” 2 .
However, as we approach today, the word gratitude has begun to be called an orientation that involves individuals noticing and appreciating the positivity in their lives 3 .
Gratitude, Gratitude and Gratitude
One point to note regarding the definition of gratitude is that most individuals use the terms "being grateful" and "being grateful" interchangeably. Gratitude is not the same as gratitude.
Gratitude involves reciprocating a favor based on feeling obligated and indebted. Therefore, it brings with it negative emotions. Gratitude, on the other hand, is a pleasant state of life 4 .
Another concept that is frequently mentioned together with the word gratitude and needs to be mentioned is the feeling of gratitude . Gratitude is a more spiritual and abstract concept that includes gratitude. While gratitude is a concept more suitable for the emergence of visible behaviors, the feeling of gratitude covers internal processes 5 .
When we look at the formation of gratitude in individuals, it has been observed that this concept is not always an emotion that occurs between individuals, but sometimes emerges through non-human sources or events.
In this context, this emotion includes being aware of the benefit gained and responding to that situation or the relevant person with positive emotions 6 .
Detailed studies on the feeling of gratitude have shown that this feeling can occur in 3 different ways:
- Gratitude felt towards another individual in relation to an issue in daily life is the first of these and expresses a familiar feeling for almost everyone.
- Although it has similar characteristics to the first item, it covers the gratitude that the individual feels towards someone whom he sees as superior in some respect. While the emergence of this may sometimes be seen as "God" or the "universe" based on belief, sometimes it may be someone else whom the individual sees as superior to himself in status.
- Apart from the first two items, this reflection of gratitude is related to the "state of being grateful" that the individual feels entirely within himself and that occurs without an event or someone else requiring response .
Gratitude and Its Types of Manifestation
When we look at the formation of gratitude in individuals, it has been observed that this concept is not always an emotion that occurs between individuals, but sometimes emerges through non-human sources or events.
In this context, this emotion includes being aware of the benefit gained and responding to that situation or the relevant person with positive emotions 6 .
Detailed studies on the feeling of gratitude have shown that this feeling can occur in 3 different ways:
- Gratitude felt towards another individual in relation to an issue in daily life is the first of these and expresses a familiar feeling for almost everyone.
- Although it has similar characteristics to the first item, it covers the gratitude that the individual feels towards someone whom he sees as superior in some respect. While the emergence of this may sometimes be seen as "God" or the "universe" based on belief, sometimes it may be someone else whom the individual sees as superior to himself in status.
- Apart from the first two items, this reflection of gratitude is related to the "state of being grateful" that the individual feels entirely within himself and that occurs without an event or someone else requiring response 7 .
Common Characteristics of People with a High Sense of Gratitude
- Act with a perspective of abundance and experience less feelings of deprivation
- They tend to appreciate even a small contribution that interests them and touches their lives, regardless of the source.
- A person who is unique in experiencing even ordinary pleasures that other individuals do not pay attention to.
- They live a life that emphasizes the gratitude they experience and recognizes its importance .
Considering the above, we can say that feeling better is about being able to act with a more positive perspective. Adopting a grateful lifestyle is also part of this.
Why is it important to be grateful?
Frequently experiencing positive emotions in terms of mental health not only contributes to the development of individuals, but also helps them become more resistant to negativities 9 .
Based on this, it has been understood that individuals who frequently experience the feeling of gratitude can more easily manage emotions such as ambition, anxiety, jealousy, hostility and anger 10 .
On the other hand, it has been seen that this feeling supports social gains as well as individual gains. The main reason for this is the increase in the desire of individuals who witness this process of receiving and giving help to have and create similar experiences.
The feeling of gratitude has an effect that strengthens individuals' social bonds and relationships, as it is an emotion that contributes to the increase and maintenance of positive experiences.
On the other hand, it has been observed that the feeling of gratitude increases the well-being of individuals and supports them to be more empathetic, less materialistic, forgiving and helpful individuals.
It has been observed that individuals who embrace gratitude in their lives begin to act with an optimistic perspective, approach more cautiously towards events that will cause the development of anxiety and depression-related processes, develop the ability to interpret negative life experiences from different perspectives, and reduce their self-blaming behavior 11 .
In this context, discovering ourselves and our emotions, restructuring our false beliefs and organizing our thoughts will be a very valuable skill that affects the rest of our lives. Through, you can get help in these areas from our expert psychologists and take a new step towards yourself.
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