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  The fat burning process is simpler than we think.  But of course, it is not easy to apply these simple principles.  In this article, we wi...

 The fat burning process is simpler than we think. But of course, it is not easy to apply these simple principles. In this article, we will roughly explain the science of burning fat and answer the question of how to burn fat. In addition, we will present you the 7 most critical mistakes in the fat burning process. So when you make sure you don't make these mistakes, a great process will bring a great result!

The Science of Fat Burning: How to Burn Fat?

First of all, we need to learn the factors that cause fat burning, for this the scientific explanation videos in our Ağırsağlam LABS series would be a good idea!

There is one and only one rule for burning fat: we must eat less food than the energy (i.e. calories) we spend during the day!

You may find this simple. However, scientific studies show us one after another that those fat tissues we keep as storage are burned only if we need them. If we do not need that calorie value, it is not burned. Yes, when we exercise, we are constantly in short-term "fat burning periods" during the day. But think about your bank account, things can go in and out constantly, but if money is not added regularly at the end of the day, how will that account grow?

Of course, in this article, we will examine fat burning from many different aspects and share strategies and tactics, but eventually we need to somehow burn this fat tissue we have stored.

So, roughly how can we create this “energy need”:

1. By eating less, this is the most obvious.

2. Intentionally expending more energy, that is, exercise.

3. By accelerating our metabolism, that is, by increasing the NEAT  value.

4. By solving the inefficiencies that cause our metabolism to slow down, which we will also touch upon in the errors section of this article.

That's it! Yes, we have different genetics, yes, some of us tend to store more fat, some of our lives are generally related to our work, etc. Therefore, we spend less calories… But at the end of the day, if we want to burn fat, we have to pay these costs.

Let's share a few links that may be useful to you:

Calculate your daily calories needs at Ağırsağlam !

You can also take a look at what can be done for different body types by taking our body types quiz .

Before moving on to fat burning mistakes, I want to answer another frequently asked question. To burn fat, I definitely need to be in a greater calorie deficit so that my body can burn fat tissue for energy. But I am both fat and thin, that is, I have the body called skinny fat . Many experts, including Ağırsağlam, say that eating more than my daily calorie needs is beneficial for building muscle. Will I not be able to build muscle while burning fat? 

We have an article that answers exactly this question. You will understand this concept very well with our interview with one of the world's best experts in his field. That's why I recommend you to read our article on building muscle while burning fat, as well as this article !

How do I get more work done, right? However, I said it was simple. Don't worry, we answer your weeks-long questions in just a few minutes of reading!

Fat Burning Mistakes

Now let's examine the biggest fat burning mistakes I listed in 7 items.

Mistake 1: Going on Strict Diets and Giving Up!

We instinctively find it scary at first to have a lifestyle for a long time. Therefore, since we do not want to change too much, we believe that we can achieve our goals with short-term but hard-core choices.

This might work, but only for a short time. Sooner or later, we need to adopt a sustainable nutrition structure. With a strict, punishing diet; We cannot oscillate between completely wasteful and completely unhealthy nutrition, we need to put an end to this!

When we completely cut out fats and carbohydrates, we do not become a very patient athlete, on the contrary, we impose unnecessary effort on ourselves. Our ego is satisfied. But burning fat is a process. We should follow balanced and reasonable diets.

Low carb diet naturally causes low calorie intake and is beneficial. But we also need good training, that is, energy, to have a good body. If it were so logical, we would all starve for a while and achieve our goal. But we see that it doesn't work that way. We burn fat by gaining muscle with a sustainable diet where we can train well, so we need to get some carbohydrates as well.

On the other hand, we hear that fat-free food is diet food and that fat is against dieting and slimming. But completely eliminating fat from the diet is not the right way to go. Consuming fat plays an important role in fat metabolism, in other words, fat burning. At the same time, fat consumption has a positive effect on the hormonal system in the body, helping our metabolism work faster and making us healthier in general. Stopping consuming fat causes fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K to become unavailable. It should not be possible not to consume fat when it has so many functions. Of course, we should be careful about fat sources and high calories. Olive oil, unroasted almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and avocado are healthy sources to choose.

If we do not consume fat and our hormones do not work; If we constantly avoid carbohydrates and end up exhausted and devastated... For God's sake, how will we escape these sweet cravings? How do we train powerfully?

A sustainable calorie deficit is a must. We have never seen strict diets work except for certain professional sports uses. Trust us and put this nonsense out of your mind.

Mistake 2: Not Consuming Enough Protein!

We cannot say that protein consumption is necessary to burn fat. When there is a calorie deficit, we will burn fat. However, if you want to burn fat easily and have a good-looking body when you lose fat, you must increase your protein consumption.

Protein is a food with a high thermic effect. So even if you eat a lot, it won't make you gain too much weight. If you want to eat a lot of something, it will be beneficial if it is proteins and not carbohydrates (desserts, pasta, bread).

Proteins contain amino acids . These amino acids help our body to work healthier, stronger and more efficiently. For example, we call L-Carnitine the amino acid that "carries fats to the mitochondria and helps them burn." Many such processes work efficiently when we consume more protein.

In addition, of course, proteins participate in the structure of our muscles and help us develop more muscles. If we do not have enough protein, the training we do will put a strain on our body and we will not be able to develop much muscle. Protein is even more important, especially when we have a hypo-caloric, that is, low-calorie, diet, because while there is destruction in the body, we do not want this destruction to affect our muscles.

Scientific studies show that our daily protein need can increase up to twice our body weight (in grams) during the fat burning period. For example, if we weigh 90 kg and want to burn fat, taking 180 grams of protein can be a very productive support for us. That's why we should consume plenty of protein, and if we don't have protein in our diet, we should try to add it as soon as possible.

Mistake 3: Leaning on Fat Burning Supplements!

Models with low fat content and a fit and aesthetic physique are used in advertisements for sports products. People who see these ads form the perception that they will look like those models when they use that product. But we do not know the effort that person has put into his sports and nutrition for years. Of course, these products can help, but they are definitely not the only secret. We should be very careful about their contents when using them to help them.

Products advertised as fat burning and energizing may contain active ingredients that assist these functions. However, it may also contain other substances such as sugar, which contain extra calories. At the same time, we should be careful when using products for protein supplements. Even though their content consists of protein, it means that we consume calories when we use them. These products can interfere with a fat burning diet if we are not careful. Therefore, we should not use sports nutritional supplements, that is, supplements, for which we have not conducted careful research and calculated their effects on our diet.

Of course, we do not intend to disparage the products here. Most of the time, supplements will support us, one way or another. But if you think that you will lose weight just because you bought a latest model fat burning supplement, you are taking this very lightly.

Simply put, we should carefully read this scientific fact: the most efficient fat burner is caffeine! In other words, the coffee we consume consciously or unconsciously during the day, it is the best fat burner. If we buy fat burners in fancy boxes without knowing this, we should know that the most efficient of their active ingredients is in the coffee we consume every day.

Consuming a cup of coffee before training, if possible high-caffeine coffee, is the smartest move we can make in burning fat. But beyond that, it would be a bit naive to spend a lot of money on products such as L-Carnitine and CLA and think that these burn fat for us. We will create a calorie deficit and try to increase our NEAT value. The most effective product for this is caffeine, others cannot even come close to it. When you calculate from here, if we don't get too carried away with coffee, it means we shouldn't think too much about fat burners either.

Mistake 4: Not Sleeping at Least 8 Hours a Day!

If you appreciated the value of sleep, you wouldn't get out of bed!

If you're not getting enough sleep, a lot of what you're doing is wasted.

While reading this article, you may probably think that we are talking nonsense or exaggerating to get attention. But when you sleep less than 8 hours a day, your body is in such an inefficient position when it comes to burning fat that even all that training and all that diet effort can become difficult.

Whether you are a young high school student or a multi-millionaire businessman. Sleeping 8 hours a day will probably be the best doping you can add to your life. Don't listen to the myths, people who sleep 4 hours a day and think smart enough to make scientific discoveries would have accomplished much better things if they had slept 8 hours. Science never accepts objection on this issue.

Sleep interferes with many things, from our minds to how much water we retain. If you sleep less than 6 hours for just a few days in a row, your body will start to water before your eyes and your lines will start to disappear even more. From your muscle mass and the water you retain under your skin to the mechanisms required for fat burning, everything is directly affected by sleep. So never take sleep for granted.

You may need to interrupt your sleep due to your workload or opportunities. Still, consider 8 hours a day as a debt to your body. If it is possible for you to sleep for 9-10 hours and you are training intensively, definitely get this sleep as well.

A trainer, expert (!) etc. who underestimates sleep. Remove anyone from your life.

Mistake 5: Not Doing Cardio!

Not doing cardio is bad, crushing cardio is even worse!

Many trainers say that weight training is much more effective than cardio. This is actually true: weight training is the best thing we can do for our bodies!

But that doesn't mean cardio never works. First of all, cardio causes us to burn calories easily, we explained what calories are above. It's that simple.

It doesn't matter if it's high-intensity and short-duration HIIT cardio or low-intensity LISS cardio. The more movement, the more abundance. Since we move directly, our body burns calories; As our metabolism accelerates, our NEAT value increases and we burn fat more easily.

HIIT example: 30 seconds of intense jogging and 30 seconds of light jogging for 20 minutes.

LISS example: rowing for 45 minutes.

HIIT or LISS, it doesn't matter. Use whichever is your style. But do at least 2 sessions of cardio a week. If you want to burn fat intensively, you can add up to 4 sessions of cardio per week in addition to 3-4 sessions of weight training per week.

Mistake 6: Not trying to get stronger in the gym!

We have only one goal in the gym, and that is to get stronger!

If we are doing weight training, we will see results when we start doing it better. The simple logic of progressive overload is that if we are not getting stronger and more specialized in that subject, we are not doing it right. Just like in every aspect of life.

Our bodies don't care how "pump" we are. It doesn't matter how good we feel or how sweaty we are. Physiologically, the only outcome of weight training is to get stronger. In other words, it is necessary to gain the ability to lift more weight, do more repetitions, and do the same work with more sets or with less rest.

Otherwise, we would just do simple exercise. Our body needs to be challenged to move to a better position. If we're not getting stronger in some way, we're not building muscle, so our body doesn't look better.

So think about it this way, if you don't have developed muscle tissue when you burn fat, what will you exhibit? On the other hand, if you do not have a lot of muscle mass, your metabolism is not very fast either. It is also harder to gain fat when you have more muscle. Because muscle tissues require a lot of energy.

Therefore, while we work to burn fat, we also need to try to get stronger. This will both help us burn fat and help us look good when we burn fat.

Mistake 7: Being Impatient!

Even if we do everything perfectly, if we cannot continue this patiently and systematically, it will be difficult or delayed to get results. Even if we have a very good road map, impatience leads us to absurd things and causes us to panic.

Your mass may not have decreased or your waist circumference may not have decreased on the scale in 1 week; It's not the end of the world. You must continue to do good things patiently. You cannot burn fat quickly, not because you do not follow the latest model diet or because you do not eat 0 sugar and 0 fat, but because this is the normal process. Holding on and making a decision in panic will be the wrong move you can make at this stage.

If you want to burn fat fast somehow, focus on where you're falling short in following your schedule. Don't approach fantasy or hard core choices. Fat burning is simple work, it requires consistency and patience. It requires some emotional control. When you are making one of the 6 mistakes above, do not look for solutions elsewhere. Patience is a valuable virtue...

We've seen the mistakes, now check out the weight loss tips to burn more fat These recommendations will support us with small tricks in the process of not making these mistakes and creating a caloric deficit!

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